
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要









The Study on Pollen Quantitative Characteristics of the number of 17 species of Crabapple


with the pollen of 17 protospecies crabapple cultivars as materials, taking photographs for pollen with SEM, using PS software to extract quantitative traits of pollen morphology, In order to providing a theoretical basis for the study of plant taxonomy and plant evolution system,therefore,we analyze the number of 8 quantization characters of tested crabapple pollen with variance analysis, interspecies variation analysis, intraspecies variation analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis The results indicate:

(1) Variance analysis and multiple comparisons of the number of 8 quantitative traits of tested crabapple pollen indicated that the number of 8 quantitative trait of crabapple pollen morphology reached the level of significant differences, showing that there was a certain difference for the pollen morphology between different species in the same genus.

(2) The analysis of interspecies variation coefficient indicated that pore size, ridge width and ridge interval had a larger variation it shows that between species of crabapple pollen were unstable but richness, however E', E, P/E, P×E and P had a smaller variation ,it shows that they were stable indicators.

(3) By analyzing intraspecific variation coefficient could be drawn that pore size, ridge width, ridge interval and P × E had a larger intraspecific variation,and were not consistent in species, but E', E, P/E and P had a smaller intraspecific variation, and consistent in species. So,when we doing enetic analysis,we should choosing indicators which had a smaller variation in species as much as possible

(4) Correlation analysis of the number of 8 quantitative traits of crabapple pollen indicated that the size of pollen between quantitative traits had strong correlation,but pore size and ridge width were hardly correlated with other indicators. Which reflected the overlap of information among indicators, so we could do the appropriate trade-offs when genetic analysis.

(5) Principal component analysis of quantitative trait of crabapple pollen morphology inticated that pollen morphological characteristics were reflected by the first three principal components, the first main component was pollen size which included P×E, P, E and E'; the second main component was microstructure characteristics of pollen which included pore size, ridge width and ridge interval; the third main component were pore size and P/E.

(6) Cluster analysis of quantitative traits of crabapple pollen morphology indicated that the number of 17 protospecies crabapple cultivars were divided into four categories, two sub-categories in squared euclidean distance 3.5,Each groups have a high similarity, but the difference between groups was significantly.

Keywords: crabapple; pollen morphology; quantitative trait

目 录

1绪论 1

1 绪论 1

1.1 植物花粉研究进展 1

1.1.1 植物花粉研究历史 1

1.1.2 植物花粉的制样方法 3

1.1.3 植物花粉形态的应用 3

1.2 苹果属海棠研究进展 4

1.2.1 海棠概况 4

1.2.2 观赏海棠花粉形态研究现状 5

1.3 研究目的及意义 6

2 材料与方法 7

2.1 试验材料 7

2.2 花粉观测及指标测量 7

2.3 数据处理 8

3 结果与分析 9

3.1 海棠原种花粉数量化性状方差分析 9

3.2 海棠花粉数量化性状变异分析 10

3.3 海棠种花粉形态数量化性状相关性分析 12

3.4 海棠种花粉形态数量化性状主成分分析 12

3.5 海棠种花粉形态数量化性状聚类分析 12

4 结论与讨论 14

4.1 结论 14

4.2 讨论 14

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

1 绪论

1.1 植物花粉研究进展

1.1.1 植物花粉研究历史

早在三四千年前,人们已知道运用人工传粉方式栽培海枣,而雌雄异株植物传粉与结实的关系在6世纪出版的《齐民要术》中已有记载,但花粉体积过小以致于肉眼无法直接观察花粉粒的形态,显微镜发明以后,才展开对花粉形态真正的研究,三百多年前Malpighi(16288~1694)和Grew(1641~1711)两人在显微镜下最早看见花粉。我国于50年代初期开展植物花粉的系统研究,60多年来已有很大的进展,根据研究的手段、水平及规模,中国植物花粉形态的研究进展可划分为3个阶段:起步阶段、缓慢发展阶段和快速发展阶段。 起步阶段


1954年,我国著名的植物学家王伏雄和喻诚鸿[1]发表的文章《花粉形态的研究Ⅰ.术语及研究方法》,为国内首次详细介绍花粉形态及其观察方法的著作,至此,拉开了我国植物花粉形态研究的序幕。在随后的几年里,他又与人合作,对松科(Pinaceae)、落羽杉科(Taxodiaceae)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、苋科(Amaranthaceae)、石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)、无患子科(Sapindaceae)、楝科(Meliaceae)等花粉进行了研究[2-5]。之后,中国科学院植物研究所形态室孢粉组[6]出版了中国第一部植物花粉形态学研究的专著——《中国植物花粉形态》,这一巨著在国内首次系统而全面地叙述了孢粉学的研究内容、花粉形态研究的方法,同时描述了1000多种植物花粉形态,并配有照片。这对花粉研究工作起了较大的推动作用,是我国在花粉形态学研究领域的历史转折点,它的出版标志着中国植物花粉形态学研究已经起步。 缓慢发展阶段


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