
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要





Determination of seed viability of Pinus bungeana


This paper studies the pinus bungeana seeds germination under different temperatures, and then the effects of different TTC concentration, dyeing time and dyeing temperature on pinus bungeana seeds viability testing technology. The results show that:

1. At the temperature of 15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃, the day to first germination respectively was 7d、3d、3d、13d; The germination peak day respectively was 13d、13d、21d、21d; At the temperature of 15℃and 20℃,the germination rare were both high, respectively was 95.33% and 93.33%, and the germination potential respectively was 20% and 22%; While at the temperature of 25℃ and 30℃, the germination rare were both low, both of them were 23%, and the germination potential respectively was 4% and 6%. Integrated the germination indices, the more suitable temperatures for Pinus bungeana seeds germination were 15℃ and 20℃.

2. Different TTC concentration, dyeing time and dyeing temperature all had effects on Pinus bungeana seeds viability testing. The same concentration, higher temperature dyeing faster, when temperatures are the same, the higher concentration of TTC concentration, dyeing faster. When the TTC concentration was 0.2%/0.5%, the dyeing time at the temperature of 15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃ respectively was 15h/12h、11h/10h、11h/9h、6h/5h.Based on the test results, the TTC concentrations of 0.5%, dyeing temperature was 30℃, dyeing time was 5h were the optimum conditions of Pinus bungeana seed viability test.

Keywords: Pinus bungeana; Viability; Germination

目 录

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1种子生活力测定技术研究进展 1

1.2 白皮松的研究进展 2

1.2.1抗逆性研究 2

1.2.2白皮松资源的开发利用研究 3

1.2.3白皮松育苗技术研究 3

第二章 种子的生物学特性 5

2.1试验材料 5

2.2试验方法 5

2.2.1白皮松种子大小及基本结构 5

2.2.2千粒重的测定 5

2.2.3种子含水量的测定 5

2.2.4种子吸水试验 5

2.3试验结果 6

2.3.1白皮松种子大小及基本结构 6

2.3.2千粒重 6

2.3.3种子含水量的测定 6

2.3.4种子吸水试验 7

第三章 种子发芽试验 9

3.1试验材料 9

3.2试验方案 9

3.3试验结果与分析 9

第四章 种子生活力测定 11

4.1试验材料 11

4.2试验方案 11

4.3 试验结果与分析 11

第五章 结论与讨论 14

致 谢 15

参考文献 16

附图 18




四唑测定于1942年由德国Socaled Hoheneim学校的莱康教授发明,第二次世界大战期间传入美国。随着世界四唑测定技术的发展,ISTA于1950年成立四唑测定技术委员会,致力于世界四唑测定技术的发展。1953年爱尔兰都伯林世界大会第一次把四唑测定列入国际种子检验规程,并且不断扩大适用种子种类和适用范围。1996年国际种子检验规程已列入农业、园艺和林木的大多数种子种类。

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