
 2021-04-27 08:04

摘 要






This experimental research object is engraftment in Jurong city Tianwang town of 161 strains of ornamental crabapple superior individual plant. Through the color of the flower buds of the individual plant, period of bud, period of petals, full-blossom stage, the petals fall period, petal color, tender leaf color, mature leaf color, flower size, number of petals, flower stalk length characteristics of flowering period were observed and made evaluation on the excellent plant flowering, selected flowering varieties better 20 individual plants introduction. Main research results are as follows:

This batch of ornamental crabapple planting time has three to four years, flowering characteristics between each individual have difference, few flowering characteristic difference is more obvious, such as flowering time from beginning to end, size of flower bud, flower color, flowering amount,etc. Also a part of plant tender leaf color, mature leaf color and other plants also has bigger difference.

Through the observation and analysis of the individual plant flowering period, the individual plant with good ornamental performance was selected, which provided the basic data for the late fine variety breeding.

Key words: Ornamental crabapple;Superior individual;Flowering characteristics.

目 录

前 言 1

1、文献综述 2

1.1海棠生物学特性及种质资源开发 2

1.2海棠繁殖技术 4

2、材料与方法 6

2.1材料 6

2.2方法 6

3、结果与分析 7

3.1HT004单株的花期特征 7

3.2 HT005单株的花期特征 8

3.3 HT006单株的花期特征 9

3.4 HT009单株的花期特征 10

3.5 HT011单株的花期特征 11

3.6 HT036单株的花期特征 12

3.7 HT045单株的花期特征 13

3.8 HT048单株的花期特征 14

3.9 HT052单株的花期特征 15

3.10 HT061单株的花期特征 16

3.11 HT070单株的花期特征 17

3.12 HT073单株的花期特征 18

3.13 HT075单株的花期特征 19

3.14 HT086单株的花期特征 20

3.15 HT104单株的花期特征 21

3.16 HT107单株的花期特征 22

3.17 HT110单株的花期特征 23

3.18 HT116单株的花期特征 24

3.19 HT155单株的花期特征 25

3.20 HT160单株的花期特征 26

3.21总体单株花期特征汇总 27

4、讨论与结论 44

4.1 讨论 44

4.2 结论 45

致 谢 47

参考文献 48

前 言

海棠(Maius spp)属于蔷薇科苹果属(Malus Mill),海棠与苹果的差别在于海棠果实直径≤5cm。海棠的发源地在中国,该种类资源品种丰富、观赏价值较高、生长能力强,并且对后期管理要求相对较低,分布地域广阔,在城乡绿化中应用较多。海棠虽然在我国栽培历史悠久,但国外对于海棠品种的选育较早,因此我国观赏海棠的现状是品种较少、观赏特性较为单一、观赏价值低。目前,在我国栽培利用较多的品种为垂丝海棠、湖北海棠、西府海棠等少数的品种。近几年,我国从国外引进了一些观赏海棠品种,这些品种具有观赏特点明显、观赏价值高等特点;但溯源这些品种的来源,多数都是通过我国的海棠资源选育出来的优良品种。早在1780年,中国海棠资源已经传入北美,并且被广泛地种植。国外的品种选育专家利用自然选择、杂交育种等方法选育出一系列观花、观果的海棠品种。在美国、加拿大苗圃杂交选育的海棠品种很多属自交变异种,亲本无法得知,通称之为“北美海棠”。北美海棠因多数具有耐寒、抗病,观赏特点突出及观赏时间长等特点,被全世界所引种栽培,并逐渐成为园林绿化中的新宠。




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