
 2021-04-27 08:04

摘 要

香圆种子不耐脱水,具有一定的顽拗性。以香圆(Citrus wilsonii)种子为实验材料,初步探索了不同贮藏方法及贮藏时间对香圆种子萌发的影响,寻找香圆种子最适保存方法。试验结果如下:





Study on storage methods of Citrus wilsonii seeds


The Citrus wilsonii seeds were not resistant to dehydration and had some recalcitrant.The Citrus wilsonii seeds were chosen as the experimental materials to explore the influence of different storage methods and storage time on seed germination. A suitable method for the storage of Citrus wilsonii seeds was found. Results showed that:

(1)TTC test was used to measure the seed viability. The effect of dyeing for 12 hours was better, but the seeds should be removed endotesta and testa. The viability of fresh Citrus wilsonii seeds was 100%.

(2)The moisture content of fresh Citrus wilsonii seeds was 44.8%. The seeds were very easy to lose moisture in natural condition, which could reduce the moisture content to 9.8% after placed for 240 hours.

(3)The wet sand storage method could help Citrus wilsonii seeds be stored for a long time. There was no significant difference between storage temperature of 2℃ and 6℃. After 360 days, the seed germination rate was still about 80%. Being placed in polyethylene zip lock bags could help Citrus wilsonii seeds keep a high viability in a short term. This method should reduce the seed moisture content to 30.0%~35.0%, which would maintain the seed germination rate close to 70% at room temperature environment(average temperature was about 15℃)after stored for 140 days.

Keywords: Citrus wilsonii seeds; seed viability; storage methods; seed germination

目 录

前 言 1

1 文献综述 2

1.1柑橘属种子研究进展 2

1.1.1种子资源化利用 2

1.1.2种子萌发条件 2

1.1.3种子生活力测定 2

1.2种子贮藏方法研究进展 3

1.2.1林木种子贮藏方法 3

1.2.2顽拗性种子的贮藏方法 4

2 材料与方法 6

2.1试验材料 6

2.2 试验方法 6

2.2.1 种子生活力测定 6

2.2.2 种子含水量的变化 6

2.2.3 种子贮藏方法 6

2.2.4发芽数据的处理与分析 7

3 结果与分析 8

3.1种子生活力测定 8

3.2 种子含水量的变化 9

3.3聚乙烯自封袋法贮藏 9

3.4湿沙贮藏 13

4 讨论 15

4.1香圆种子生活力测定方法探讨 15

4.2 贮藏方法和贮藏温度对香圆种子萌发的影响 15

结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

前 言

香圆(Citrus wilsonii)属于芸香科柑橘属,为常绿乔木,叶片互生,革质,具腺点,叶片长椭圆形,叶柄上生有倒心形宽翼,与叶片相接,形态奇特美观;4~5月开花,白色,单生或簇生于叶腋;柑果为球形,10~11月成熟,熟时橙黄色,香圆以其花、果、叶芳香而著称。根据朱景宁的调查,香圆主要分布于长江中下游的浙江、安徽、湖南、湖北、江西、江苏等地[1],以浙江、江苏为多。







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