
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要






The regulation of geographical variation of the content of total triterpenoids in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves


In this article, the leaves of Cyclocarya paliurus picked from 33 different provenances all over the country were processed and the content of total triterpenoids in them were determined, in order to discuss the regulation of geographical variation of total triterpenoids in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves,and analysis the correlation between the content of total triterpenoids with climatic factors. After the comparative analysis of the data of different provenances,superior provenances of Cyclocarya paliurus were selected. The main results were as follows:

1) There existed extremely significant differences in total triterpenoids among the leaves of Cyclocarya paliurus from different provenances. Provenances of which the content of total triterpenoids was high included Sichuan Muchuan, Guangxi Longsheng, Jiangxi Fenyi and Guizhou Yinjinag. Provenances of which the content of total triterpenoids was low included Guizhou Jianhe, Zhejiang Fengyangshan, Henan Nanzhao and Guangxi Jinzhongshan.

2) Considering the content of total triterpenoids and coefficient of variation of different provenances,and calculating the subordinate function means, several provenances were selected, including Guangxi Longsheng, Jiangxi Fenyi, Hunan Jianghua, Guizhou Shiqian, Hubei Wufeng, Sichuan Muchuan and Hubei Hefeng.

3) Longitude, latitude and altitude,these geographical factors had negative correlations with the content of total triterpenoids. Among the climatic factors, annual average temperature, precipitation and frost-free period had positive correlations with the content of total triterpenoids, and sunshine hours had negative correlations with it.

Key words:Cyclocarya Paliurus;Total triterpenoids;Geographical variation

目 录

1 前言 1

1.1 植物地理变异与种源试验的研究进展 1

1.1.1 植物的地理变异 1

1.1.2 植物的种源试验 2

1.2 青钱柳研究进展 2

1.2.1 青钱柳的主要价值 2

1.2.2 青钱柳叶中的主要化学物质 2

1.2.3 青钱柳叶中活性成分的生理作用 3

1.3 本文研究的目的与意义 4

2 材料与方法 5

2.1 材料来源 5

2.2 材料的采集及处理 7

2.3 原料与试剂 8

2.4 仪器与设备 8

2.5 总三萜含量的测定 8

2.5.1 标准曲线的绘制 8

2.5.2 样品的制备及测定 8

2.6 数据统计分析 9

2.6.1 方差分析 9

2.6.2 聚类分析 9

2.6.3 趋势面分析 9

2.6.4 隶属函数分析 10

3 结果与分析 11

3.1 不同种源青钱柳叶内总三萜含量的地理变异 11

3.1.1 不同种源青钱柳叶内总三萜含量的差异及比较 11

3.1.2 不同种源青钱柳叶内总三萜含量的变异系数 12

3.2 聚类分析 13

3.2.1 青钱柳叶中总三萜含量的聚类分析 13

3.2.2 青钱柳叶中总三萜含量变异系数的聚类分析 14

3.3 青钱柳优良药用种源的选择 15

3.4 不同种源青钱柳叶总三萜含量的地理变异规律 16

3.4.1 青钱柳叶总三萜含量沿经度梯度的变化 16

3.4.2 青钱柳叶总三萜含量沿纬度梯度的变化 17

3.4.3 青钱柳叶总三萜含量沿海拔梯度的变化 18

3.4.4 青钱柳叶总三萜含量的地理趋势面分析 18

3.5 气候因子对青钱柳叶总三萜含量的影响 19

结 论 20

4.1 不同种源地青钱柳叶总三萜含量的差异 20

4.2 青钱柳优良药用种源的选择 20

4.3 不同种源青钱柳叶中总三萜含量的地理变异规律 20

致 谢 22

参考文献 23

1 前言

青钱柳(Cyclocarya paliurus)是被子植物门胡桃科(Juglandaceae)青钱柳属(Cyclocarya)植物,别名:摇钱树、麻柳,青钱李、山麻柳、山化树。冰川四纪幸存下来的珍稀树种,仅存于中国[1]。青钱柳是一种高大乔木,树皮灰褐色,枝条具灰黄色皮孔,奇数羽状复叶,小叶纸质,近于对生或互生,叶缘具锯齿,雄性柔荑花序生于叶痕腋内,雌性葇荑花序单独顶生,果实扁球形,果实中部围有水平方向的革质圆盘状翅,花期4-5月,果期7-9月[1]


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