
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要






The regulation of geographical variation of the content of total flavonoids in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves


The contents of total flavonoids from 33 different provenances of Cyclocarya paliurus as the research materials were determinated and analyzed to discover the regulation of geographical variation of total flavonoids in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves, and their geographic variation were discussed for selecting superior provenances. The main results were as follows:

1) There existed extremely significant differences in total flavonoids among the leaves of 33 natural populations Cyclocarya paliurus. Provenances of which the content of total flavonoids was high among the 33 natural Cyclocarya paliurus included Hubei Wufeng, Hubei Hefeng, Anhui Qingliangfeng and Sichuan Muchuan. Provenances of which the content of total flavonoids was low among the 33 natural Cyclocarya paliurus included Hunan Suining, Henan Nanzhao, Jiangxi Jinggangshan, Guizhou Liping.

2) Combine the content of total flavonoids with variable coefficient in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves of the different provenances. Five provenances were choosed as excellent medicinal forest provenances by Membership function, they were located in Hubei Wufeng, Guizhou Yinjiang, Hubei Hefeng, Fujian Niumulin, Anhui Qingliangfeng, Shanxi Lueyang.

3) The regulation of geographical variation of the content of total flavonoids in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves: The content of total flavonoids indexes showed trend of diminish to sorthwest and sortheast variation with a center of 103°E and 33°N.

Key words: Cyclocarya Paliurus; Total flavonoids; Geographical variation

目 录

1 前 言 - 1 -

1.1 研究现状 - 1 -

1.1.1 青钱柳生物学特性与资源分布 - 1 -

1.1.2 青钱柳中化学成分及药理作用研究 - 2 -

1.1.3 青钱柳叶中总黄酮的研究现状 - 4 -

1.1.4 林木地理变异与种源试验 - 4 -

1.2 研究目的与意义 - 5 -

2 材料与方法 - 6 -

2.1 材料来源及采集 - 6 -

2.2 材料处理 - 8 -

2.3 总黄酮的测定方法 - 8 -

2.3.1 标准曲线的绘制 - 8 -

2.3.2 样品的制备及测定 - 9 -

2.4 数据统计分析 - 9 -

2.4.1 方差分析 - 9 -

2.4.2 聚类分析 - 10 -

2.4.3 隶属函数分析 - 10 -

2.4.4 趋势面分析 - 10 -

3 结果与分析 - 11 -

3.1 不同种源青钱柳叶总黄酮含量的差异 - 11 -

3.2 不同种源青钱柳叶总黄酮含量及变异系数的聚类分析 - 14 -

3.3 优良药用青钱柳种源的选择 - 16 -

3.4 不同种源青钱柳叶总黄酮含量的地理变异规律 - 18 -

3.4.1 青钱柳叶总黄酮含量沿经度梯度的变化 - 18 -

3.4.2 青钱柳叶总黄酮含量沿纬度梯度的变化 - 19 -

3.4.3 海拔高度对青钱柳叶总黄酮含量的影响 - 19 -

3.4.4 青钱柳叶总黄酮含量的地理趋势面分析 - 20 -

3.5 气候因子对青钱柳叶黄酮类物质含量的影响 - 21 -

结 论 - 22 -

4.1 不同种源青钱柳叶总黄酮含量的差异 - 22 -

4.2 青钱柳优良药用种源的选择 - 22 -

4.3 不同种源青钱柳叶总黄酮含量的地理变异规律 - 22 -

致 谢 - 24 -

参考文献 - 25 -

1 前 言

青钱柳[Cyclocarya paliurus(Batal.)Iljinskaja]又名青钱李、摇钱树等,系双子叶植物纲(Dicotyledoneae) 胡桃科(Juglandaceae) 青钱柳属(Cyclocarya)植物[1]。青钱柳是落叶乔木,因为其树形很像柳树,果实像铜钱一样,色青绿,故其名曰“青钱柳”。它遍及我国的江西、浙江、江苏、湖北等多个省[2]。青钱柳是中国专有的单种属植物,是国家重点保护的濒危植物之一[1]。青钱柳是一种有多种用途的树种,他的用途范围涵盖药用、保健、用材和观赏等方面[1]


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