
 2021-04-20 09:04

摘 要



Effects of phosphate deficiency in poplar seedlings


Phosphorus is one of the essential elements for plant growth. As a non-renewable resource, phosphorus deficiency has gradually become a serious condition for forest growth due to long-term soil-forming and logging.In the process of long-term evolution, forest trees have formed adaptive mechanisms to cope with the phenomenon of soil available phosphorus deficiency in response to low phosphorus stress.Through observing the change of fresh weight , plant height , root length , stem diameter and leaf number of poplar under the condition of phosphorus deficiency , the influence of phosphorus deficiency on the growth of poplar is explored , and the basis for the mechanism of forest wood to respond to phosphorus deficiency stress is provided .Through the experiments of phosphorus deficiency, low phosphorus concentration and normal phosphorus concentration, it can be seen that phosphorus deficiency has a certain effect on the aboveground and underground morphological changes and biomass allocation of poplar.Phosphorus deficiency significantly inhibited the growth of poplar plant height, but low phosphorus had no significant effect on poplar height.The decrease of phosphorus concentration will affect the growth of poplar stem diameter.The leaf shedding of poplar was observed under the condition of phosphorus deficiency, but the effect of low phosphorus on it was not obvious.Because of phosphorus deficiency, the growth of poplar was inhibited, the growth of root system was also inhibited, and the distribution of material in ground and underground was different. The ratio of root to shoot was higher than normal under phosphorus deficiency, but the growth of poplar was obviously poor. Biomass accumulation was much lower than low phosphorus and normal level, but low phosphorus had no obvious effect on poplar biomass accumulation, and its effect on poplar was mainly on aboveground and underground biomass allocation.

Key words:poplar;phosphorus deficiency;morphological change;grow

目 录

1 前言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 缺磷对植物形态的影响 1

1.2.2缺磷引起的生理变化 2

1.3 小结 2

2 材料与方法 4

2.1 实验材料 4

2.2 实验方法 4

2.2.1 苗木培养 4

2.2.2 实验材料处理 4

2.2.3 实验结果统计分析 5

3 结果与分析 6

3.1 缺磷对植物生长量的影响 6

3.2 缺磷对植物根系的影响 7

3.2.1 缺磷对杨树根长的影响 7

3.2.2 缺磷对杨树根冠比的影响 9

3.3 缺磷对植物地上部分的影响 10

3.3.1 缺磷对杨树株高的影响 11

3.3.2 缺磷对杨树茎粗的影响 13

3.3.3 缺磷对杨树叶片生长的影响 14

3.3.4 缺磷对杨树侧枝生长的影响 15

结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

1 前言

1.1 研究背景



1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 缺磷对植物形态的影响

在低磷胁迫下,植物采取相应的适应机制作出反应,通过主动适应外界环境的改变,提高对磷的吸收。常冀原等的研究表明,不同的氮磷钾配比对于一年生江南油杉幼苗的生物量有显著影响[1]。陈永亮等对落叶松的研究表明低磷胁迫下幼苗的平均单株干重净增量较磷充足的完全营养液中的显著降低,仅为其20.5%—26.3%[2]。钱莲文等对常绿杨的研究表明,常绿杨三个无性系干物质的积累量随土壤磷素水平的提高而显著增加,说明磷是限制其生长的一个重要因素[3] 缺磷对植物根系形态的影响

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