
 2021-04-27 08:04

摘 要




3.在不同浓度赤霉素下的白皮松种子离体胚的根差异不显著。茎、叶长度差异极显著,最长的是200mg/L时,茎叶长度分别为13.98mm、3.79mm。就赤霉素浓度来说, 200mg/L的GA3对离体胚生长具有一定的促进作用。


5. 不同胚乳处理方式下的根、茎和叶差异均极显著,根长最长的是完整胚乳时,长度为48.63mm,茎、叶最长的是去胚根端胚乳条件下的,分别为42.07mm、 34.17mm,所以完整胚乳和去胚根端胚乳比较适合白皮松胚的生长。



In this paper, through set different temperature, light and GA3 concentration, sugar concentration and endosperm treatment on Pinus bungeana seed in vitro embryo culture method are discussed. The results showed that:

1. Different temperature of Pinus bungeana from somatic embryos of root and leaf growth effect was not significant, has a significant influence on the stem length, stem length is 10.20mm under25℃, followed by 20℃ under the stem length 9.51mm overall temperature little effect to the growth of somatic embryos in vitro, but 20℃and 25℃ conditions more conducive to the growth of Pinus bungeana in vitro embryo.

2. Different light intensities from somatic embryos and the average root length and leaf length is in all-optical illumination conditions in length, respectively 2.79mm, 3.49mm, stem length is 9.10mm under the dark condition, but under the dark condition of Pinus bungeana in vitro embryo growth is weak, so half-light according to this and all-optical according to two conditions suitable from the growth of somatic embryos.

3. Under the different concentration of Gibberellin of Pinus bungeana seeds from somatic embryos of roots were not significant. Stem and leaf length had extremely significant difference. The longest is 200mg / L, the length of stem and leaf were 13.98mm, 3.79mm,on concentrations of gibberellin, 200mg / L GA3 on in vitro embryo growth has a certain role in promoting.

4. Under the different sugar concentration of root, stem length difference, the longest root length in the sugar concentration of 0.5% 21.21mm, stem length is 15.07mm in sugar concentration of 0.7%, leaf length has no significant difference. So sugar concentration at 0.5% and 0.7% of the two conditions suitable from the growth of somatic embryos.

5. The different endosperm treatment of root, stem and leaf difference significantly, root length is intact endosperm, length 48.63mm, stems, leaves, the longest is the radicle end endosperm conditions, respectively 42.07mm, 34.17mm, so full of endosperm and to radicle end endosperm is more suitable for the growth of embryo of Pinus bungeana.

Key words: Pinus bungeana; Vitro embryo; Culture method

目 录

1.文献综述 1

1.1 离体胚培养技术 1

1.1.1离体胚培养 1

1.1.2针叶植物的离体胚培养 1

1.2白皮松研究进展 3

1.2.1白皮松的研究概况 3

1.2.2白皮松生物学特性 3

2. 材料与方法 5

2.1 实验材料 5

2.2 种子生物学测定方法 5

2.2.1种胚发育状况 5

2.2.2种子大小 5

2.2.3种子千粒重 5

2.2.4种子含水量 5

2.3白皮松种子离体胚培养 6

2.3.1不同温度处理 6

2.3.2不同光照处理 6

2.3.3不同浓度GA3处理 6

2.3.4不同浓度蔗糖处理 6

2.3.5不同胚乳的处理方式 6

3.结果与分析 7

3.1.1种胚发育状况 7

3.1.2种子大小、千粒重及含水量 7

3.2 白皮松种子离体胚培养结果 8

3. 2.1不同温度处理对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 8

3.2.2不同光照处理对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 9

3.2.3不同GA3浓度对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 11

3.2.4不同糖浓度处理对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 12

3.2.5不同胚乳的处理方式对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 14

4.讨论与结论 17

4.1讨论 17

4.1.1不同温度处理对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 17

4.1.2不同光照处理对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 17

4.1.3不同GA3浓度对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 17

4.1.4不同糖浓度处理对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 17

4.1.5不同胚乳的处理方式对白皮松离体胚生长的影响 18

4.2结论 18

致 谢 19

参考文献 20


1.1 离体胚培养技术



离体胚培养作为组织培养的一个重要领域,早在1904年Harming. E成功地培养了萝卜和辣椒胚以来己经有近百年的历史,最初在育种上莱巴赫[1]用胚胎培养技术解决宿根亚麻、澳大利亚麻的杂交种子不能萌发的问题,在培养下使胚成熟并得到杂种植株,他的先驱工作为试图用培养离体胚方法克服杂交性障碍奠定了基础,从而也创立和开创了胚培养应用于实际的时期。吐克利(1933,1934,1938从苹果、梨、桃、李的果实中,取出不育性的胚,在培养基上进行培养,育成了幼株。胚培养主要应用于四个方面[2]克服杂种胚败育,克服种子休眠,提高后代抗性改良品质,测定种子生活力[3]


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