
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要



Sex differentiation in the progeny from a fully sib family of

Salix suchowensis


The determinations of sexual phenotype in plants are more diverse in comparison with that in animals,such as monoecism, dioecious and the middle transitional type between them. The majority of plants are cosexuals, only about 4% of the 120,000 researched angiosperm species are dioecious. Sex determination systems in plants have evolved many times from hermaphroditic ancestors. The genetic control of sex determination in animals, especially in higher vertebrates, has been relatively clear; however, it remains largely unknown in plants. Populus and Salix are members of Salicaceae, which are dioecious catkin-bearing woody plants. Plant species in Salicaceae are desirable materials to study the sex determination system in plants. As the reason of the long juvenile phase and large body size of Populus, it is difficult to be used to carry out large-scale field investigation. Willows and poplars are originated from the same ancestor, and Salix suchowensis is a native shrub willow that distribute in the north of China, which can reach sexual maturity for reproduction in one year. Thus, S. suchowensis should be a more desirable plant for discovering the sex determining genes. In this study, I investigated the sex differentiation, the size of ground diameter, the height of seedling and the biomass for 743 progeny in a fully sib family of S. suchowensis. The major research conclusions were summarized as follows:

(1)Among the flowering plants, there are 285 female ones and 273 male ones, the ratio was about 1:1, proved by chi-square test;

(2)The size of ground diameter, the height of seedling, and their biomass showed significant difference between male and female seedlings. And the female plants tend to be stronger than male plants;

(3)Correlation analysis among the plant height, the ground diameter and the biomass showed that the plant height and the ground diameter was positively relative; the ground diameter and the biomass was positively relative; the biomass and the plant height was positively.

Keywords: Salix suchowensis; sex differentiation; height; ground diameter; biomass


1 前言 1

1.1性别分化研究进展 1

1.1.1动物性别分化研究进展 1

1.1.2 植物性别分化研究进展 2

1.2 研究的目的意义 5

2 材料与方法 6

2.1试验材料 6

2.2试验地概况 8

2.2.1 地理位置 8

2.2.2 气候条件 8

2.3 田间调查 8

2.3.1簸箕柳性别调查 8

2.3.2 生长量调查 9

2.4 数据处理方法 9

2.4.1 卡方检验 9

2.4.2 Levene方差齐性检验 9

2.4.3 显著性分析 10

2.4.4 相关性分析 10

3 结果与分析 10

3.1雌雄株调查结果 10

3.2雌雄性别分化比例卡方检验 11

3.3性别与植株生长情况的关联性分析 11

3.3.1均值与方差 11

3.3.2方差齐性检验 12

3.3.3显著性分析 12

3.4 生长量相关性分析 14

3.4.1苗高与地径的相关性 14

3.4.2 生物量与地径的相关性 15

3.4.3生物量与苗高的相关性 15

4问题与讨论 16

4.1 植株未开花的原因 16

4.2 性别分化与环境的关系 16

4.3 性别与生长量的关系 17

5结论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

附录1:雌株生长量统计数据 22

附录2:雄株生长量统计数据 29




性别发育包括性别决定和性别分化。性别分化是指在性别决定的基础上,生物个体向雄性或雌性发育的过程。动物的性别决定是在胚胎形成的时候就已经被决定了[1]。就哺乳动物而言,在性别分化之前,XX和XY胚胎都具有牟勒氏管、吴夫氏管两套生殖导管和未分化的性腺。性别分化的过程中,两套生殖导管之一发育为相应的生殖器官,另一套退化。雄性出现得助于由精巢分泌的攀酮:当性腺为精巢时,则精巢足细胞(又称支持细胞)分泌的牟勒氏管抑制因子抑制牟勒氏管使其退化,随后精巢间质细胞分泌攀酮诱导吴夫氏管发育为雄性生殖器官。如若没有精巢,也就没有MIS和攀酮,那么吴夫氏管退化,牟勒氏管则发育为雌性生殖导管。因此,MIS和攀酮从生理上决定了雌雄性别分化。可见,胚胎时期精巢的有无,决定了性别分化的方向[2]。随后人们顺着这条途径找到了性别决定基因SRY(sex determination region)。从性别决定理论来说,哺乳动物的性别决定和分化的理论体系模型已经基本建立,即以SRY/sry 基因决定的多个基因参与的多层次调控模式。

20世纪中叶,人们才知道哺乳动物的性别决定依赖于Y染色体,Y染色体具有强烈的雄性化作用。1990年Sinclair等克隆到Y染色体上的性别决定基因SRY;1991年,Koopman等将含有SRY基因的14kb DNA 片段导入雌鼠体内, 并成功地诱导出雄性转基因小鼠,从而确定小鼠sry 基因就是Tdy, 也使SRY基因成为人类TDF的最佳候选基因[3]。随后,人们又通过对性反转、基因突变或缺失以及胚胎期基因的雄性特定表达模式的研究,相继在性染色体上发现了众多与性别决定基因相关的基因[3]SF-1基因作为中介因子直接调节MIS基因的表达[2]SOX基因家族中SOX9被证实与性别决定有关,其突变可导致CD(一种伴有软骨组织记性及XY性反转的综合征)[4]DAX1基因的启动子与SF-1结合,诱导其转录发生[5]



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