
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要

本文选取青钱柳铜鼓种源的一年生苗作为研究材料,在人工气候室室内进行控制试验。分别选用红光、蓝光、绿光、紫光和白5种光质,每种光质的光照强度均为1000μmolm2s-1,通过测定各试验处理90d时, 青钱柳一年生苗木叶片的气孔特性等各项指标,研究不同光质对青钱柳叶片性状和解剖结构的影响。






Effects of Different Light Qualities on Leaf Traits and Anatomical Structure of Cyclocarya paliurus


In this artificial, one-year Tonggu Cyclocarya paliurus was selected as study material to conduct the test In artificial climate chamber. We chose red, blue, green, purple and white 5 kinds of light quality and each light qualitative light intensity are 1000μmolm2s-1. We can researched the Effects of Different Light Qualities on Leaf Traits and Anatomical Structure of Cyclocarya paliurus by measuring the Cyclocarya paliurus annual seedling leaf stomata characteristics such as the indicators when test processing 90 days.

We found that light qualities have a significant influence on the indicators of Cyclocarya paliurus leaf traits and anatomical structure.

  1. Under the treatments of the 5 light qualities, Cyclocarya paliurus leaf stomatal density, the greater the stomatal opening the smaller, whereas stomatal density, the smaller the greater the stomatal opening.
  2. The five kinds of optical processing quality of the vane under the nucleus are normal, only handle the mitochondria of the vane under normal blue light, the mitochondrial outer membrane of the vane under other processing all have varying degrees of melting. The leaf palisade tissue under the processing of blue, purple, green light appear more addicted to osmium particles and starch grains. And there are a large number of multivesicular bodies and annular slice layer in the leaf vacuoles under the treatment of blue light, white light and green light.
  3. Under blue light, leaf palisade tissue thickness and the ratio of palisade tissue thickness and spongy tissue thickness is the biggest of all, and the spongy tissue is thinner than that under the purple light, it developed better. It tells us that blue light is more advantageous to the growth of Cyclocarya paliurus.

Key words:Cyclocarya paliurus; light quality; leaf traits; anatomical structure; stomata characteristic

目 录

1 前言 - 1 -

1.1 研究背景 - 1 -

1.1.1 青钱柳叶片的生物学特性 - 1 -

1.1.2 青钱柳的科研价值 - 1 -

1.2 国内外研究概况 - 2 -

1.2.1 不同光质对植物生长发育的影响 - 2 -

1.2.2 不同种源青钱柳叶片性状和解剖结构的差异 - 3 -

1.2.3 光照对青钱柳叶片性状和解剖结构影响的研究 - 4 -

1.3 研究目的与意义 - 5 -

2 材料与方法 - 6 -

2.1 试验材料 - 6 -

2.2 测定指标与方法 - 6 -

2.2.1 气孔观察和测定 - 6 -

2.2.2 叶片解剖结构观察和测定 - 7 -

2.3 数据分析 - 7 -

3 结果与讨论 - 8 -

3.1 不同光质对青钱柳叶片气孔特征的影响 - 8 -

3.1.1 不同光质对青钱柳叶片气孔密度的影响 - 8 -

3.1.2 不同光质对青钱柳叶片气孔横轴长和纵轴长的影响 - 8 -

3.1.3 不同光质对青钱柳叶片气孔开度的影响 - 9 -

3.2 不同光质对青钱柳叶片解剖结构的影响 - 12 -

3.3 不同光质处理下青钱柳叶片超微结构分析 - 13 -

结 论 - 16 -

致 谢 - 18 -

参考文献 - 19 -

1 前言

1.1 研究背景

青钱柳[Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.) Iljinskaja],又名青钱李、摇钱树、山沟树(浙江)、麻柳(湖北)等,为胡桃科(Juglandaceae)古老特有单种属,是我国特有的珍惜树种。主要分布于江苏、浙江、江西、安徽、福建、台湾、四川、贵州等亚热带地区,常集中分布在海拔400~800m的山地阔叶林中。青钱柳为落叶大乔木,状似柳树,最高可达25m,奇数羽状复叶,小叶7~9;花期4~5月,花单性,雌雄同株;果期8~10月,果序轴长25~30cm,坚果具革质,水平盘状圆翅,如古铜钱,因此被称为“青钱柳”[[1]]。故青钱柳也常被用作园林绿化树种,具有较高的庭院观赏价值。青钱柳集多种价值于一身,是一种很有发展和开发利用前景的珍贵树种。

1.1.1 青钱柳叶片的生物学特性

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