
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要



2. 青钱柳人工林群体中存在4种交配类型:雌先型、雄先型、雌株和雄株。其中雌株数量最多,其次是雌先型和雄先型。随着树龄的增加,雌株所占开花植株比例下降,而雌先型植株增加,呈上升趋势;由于林分结构趋于稳定,雄先型所占开花植株比例也趋于稳定。

3. 开花物候观察发现,雌花开花时间一般持续4-18天,雄花散粉时间一般持续1-6天。同一植株雌花和雄花不同时成熟,部分植株雌雄花开花时间有部分重叠,重叠时间为1-6天。两种雌雄异型异熟交配类型的开花时期是同步并相反的。

4. 花芽发育前期,雄花芽及枝条可溶性糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量均存在一个高峰积累点,随气温上升,混合芽萌动、叶原基分化、花部形态发育、花萼原基进入分化状态,需要大量的营养提供能量,可溶性糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量明显下降。


Study on the florescence biology of Cyclocarya paliurus


Cyclocarya paliurus is a typical heterodichogamy species. To understand its flowering phenology features to increase seed yields and quality, we investigated the C. paliurus flowering phenology in Liyang Taofeng 8-year C. paliurus Plantation groups, during the C. paliurus flowering period. The morphological changes of flower bud differentiation groups, the flowering phenology of the different mating types, the physiological and biochemical changes in the process of flower bud differentiation were included in the research. The main conclusions were as follows:

1. Morphological changes of C. paliurus male and female in the process of florescence development: during of the flower bud differentiation, the first priority flowering inflorescences of protogyny (female) and the first priority flowering inflorescences of protandry (male) required the same time from flower bud germination to flower bud maturity. Similarly, another flowering inflorescences of two different mating types from flower bud germination needed the same time. Male and female flower inflorescences growth of C. paliurus were generally presenting a flat - fast - flat extension process in the germinating procedure.

2. There were two categories, four flowering phenotypes in immature plantation: monoecious types containing protogyny, protandry; unisexual type including female and male, females with the largest number, followed by the monoecious types. With the increasing of the tree age, the female proportion of flowering plants presented the downward trend, along with increasing of the proportion of protogyny. On the contrary, with the structure of forest stand presenting stable, the proportion of protandry similarly presented stable.

3. Flowering phenology was observed that female flowering time usually lasted 4-18 days, and male shedding period widely lasted 1-6 days. The female and male flowers matured in differrent times within individual trees, along with the overlapping of females and males more or less in quantity within individual trees. The overlapping time was in the range of 1 to 6 days. The flowering time of the two heterodichogamy types was synchronized and reciprocal.

4. There were high peaks respectively of soluble sugar, starch and protein in the former process of the flower formation. With the temperature rising, along with hybrid buds germinating, leaf primordia and sepal differentiating, floral morphogenesis, a large amount of nutrients were consumed, leading to the decrease of soluble sugar, starch and protein.

Key words: flowering phenology; floral bud differentiation; physiology and biochemistry

目 录

1 立题依据及研究意义 1

1.1 课题来源 1

1.2 研究的目的及意义 1

2 文献综述 2

2.1 植物雌雄花异型异熟性 2

2.2 植物花芽分化的概念 3

2.2.1 花芽分化的过程 3

2.2.2 碳水化合物在花芽分化中的影响 3

3 试验材料与方法 5

3.1 试验地概况 5

3.2 试验材料 5

3.3 试验方法 5

3.3.1 青钱柳开花物候期观察及记录 5 人工林整体开花物候期观察 5 人工林定点植株开花物候期观察 5

3.4.2 青钱柳雄花芽发育生理生化研究 5 取样方法 5 可溶性糖含量测定方法(蒽酮比色法) 6 可溶性淀粉含量的测定(蒽酮比色法) 6 可溶性蛋白含量测定(考马斯亮蓝法) 7

3.5 数据统计分析方法 8

4 结果与分析 9

4.1 青钱柳雌雄花序发育的形态变化 9

4.1.1雌雄花序发育的外部形态变化 9

4.1.2雌雄花发育过程中花序长度变化 12

4.2 青钱柳人工幼林群体的开花特点 13

4.2.1 开花表现型 13

4.2.2 两种交配类型的开花进程 14

4.2.3 林分群体中PG和PA的开花物候特点 15

4.3 青钱柳不同交配类型雄花芽发育前期内含物的变化 17

4.3.1 不同交配类型雄花发育过程前期可溶性糖的变化 17

4.3.2 青钱柳不同交配类型雄花发育前期可溶性淀粉的变化 18

4.3.3 青钱柳不同交配类型雄花发育前期可溶性蛋白质的变化 19

5 讨论与结论 21

5.1 青钱柳花芽分化的形态学研究 21

5.2 青钱柳开花物候特点 21

5.3可溶性糖、淀粉、蛋白质含量与性别分化的关系 23

6 参考文献 25

1 立题依据及研究意义

1.1 课题来源


1.2 研究的目的及意义

青钱柳[Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.) Iljinskaja],又称甜茶树、青钱李、摇钱树等,属于双子叶植物纲(Dicotyledoneae)胡桃科(Juglandaceae)青钱柳属(Cyclocarya)植物,是我国特有的单种属植物,是国家重点保护的濒危植物之一,属三类保护植物 (方升佐和洑香香,2007)。青钱柳树姿优美,果似铜钱,可以作为优良观赏绿化树种及造林树种(洑香香和方升佐,2009;杨万霞,2013;李磊和谢明勇,2001;黄明圈等,2011;葛霞等,2011);其材质密度比我国传统的枪托用材—胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)还大,适宜做家具、农具、胶合板及建筑材料等;其树皮、树叶具有清热解毒,止痛功能,可用于治疗顽癣,长期以来民间用其叶片做茶,并且青钱柳叶中的无机和有机成分,具有多种对人体有利的生理和药理功能(谢明勇和李磊,2001)。现代研究发现,青钱柳确有降血压,降血糖和降血脂等功效,可用于治疗糖尿病、高血压、冠心病、神经衰弱等疾病,目前已开发出降压神茶、江西梅山降血糖神茶、青钱柳复方茶等,经临床验证,疗效显著(方升佐和杨万霞,2003;尚旭兰等,2014)。


2 文献综述

2.1 植物雌雄花异型异熟性

雌雄异型异熟指的是在雌雄同株异花植物群体中包括两种交配类型植株,即雌花先熟个体(雌先型)和雄花先熟个体(雄先型),当一种交配类型(如雄先型)散粉时, 另一交配类型(雌先型)的柱头正处于可授期,然后它们交换角色(Bai et al,2007;Renner,2001)。雌雄异型异熟植物即使在不同生态条件下的表现也比较稳定(赵书岗等,2011),如核桃(J.regia)雌雄花的异熟次序是相当稳定的,并且能为雌先型植株提供授粉机会的雄先型植株,其雌花期与雌先型品种的雄花期也能较好地吻合(张志华等,1993)。胡桃科雌雄异型异熟树种中除了雄先型和雌先型植株外,还存在雌性单株和雄性单株(Kimura et al,2003;2012;胡东南等,2005);同时在槭树属(Acer)树种还发现另外一种表现型:二重雌雄异型异熟,即花部功能按雄→雌→雄顺序表达(张灵芝等,2011)。据报道,雌雄异型异熟植物交配类型间存在转化现象,如对日本槭(Acer japonicum)连续四年的观察发现,12.4%植株的交配类型发生了转变,转变主要发生在雄株和雄先型植株间(Asai,2000);日本核桃(J. ailanthifolia)天然群体中也存在单性植株和雌雄同株相互转化的现象,但未发现雌先型与雄先型相互转化(Kimura et al,2003);Kimura 等认为雌雄异型异熟树种的单性植株只是由于发育状况或是在限制的环境条件下的短暂特征(KNanamiimura et al,2012)。有些雌雄异型异熟植物同一植株雌雄花开放时间完全错开,如美国黑核桃(J. nigra)和核桃(J. regia)(Pollegioni et al,2013)、欧亚槭(A. pseudoplatanus)(Tal,2009)等;但有些植物却存在一定的重叠,如粗皮山核桃( Carya ovata)和毡毛山核桃(C. tomentosa)(McCarthy amp; Quinn,1990)、日本槭(Sato,2002)等。同一植株雌雄花成熟的重叠时间越短,可有效避免自交,促进杂交(Kikuchi et al,2009)。

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