
 2021-04-23 10:04

摘 要



Effects of organic solvents on the germination of Sapium sebiferum seed


Experiments were carried out on Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum (Linn.)Roxb.) seeds from Xinyi in Jiangsu province. Four kinds of organic solvents, methanol, ethanol, acetone, and petroleum ether, were used to seed soaking in different periods of S. sebiferum seed. The seed vitality and germination rate of S. Sebiferum seeds under different treatments were compared, in order to explore the effect of organic solvent soaking on breaking dormancy of S. Sebiferum seeds, and provide theoretical basis for the planting seeding production and application of the seed in the future. The results showed that: the effects of different organic solvent soaking on the seed viability of S. Sebiferum seeds showed significant difference. The treatments of methanol, ethanol, and acetone soaking significantly reduced the seed viability of S. Sebiferum seeds, with seed viability soaking after 18h were 0%, 28.9%, 0%,respectively. However, petroleum ether treatment had little effect on the seed viability, and seed viability of petroleum ether treatment soaking after 5d was 93.3%. Different treatments of organic solvent soaking also showed significant differences on the germination rate of S. sebiferum seeds. The germination of S. sebiferum seeds were significantly reduced by the treatments of soaking seeds in methanol, ethanol and acetone, and the seed germination rate were all close to 0%. However, for the treatment of petroleum ether, seed germination rate soaking after 18h and 24h were significantly higher than the control, both increased from 75.3% to 86.0%, seed germination rate of the treatments soaking after 3d and 5d were significantly lower than the control, while other treatments had no significant difference compared with the control. Besides, the seed viability of petroleum ether treatment soaking after 24h (92.2%) was significantly lower than that of 18h (100%). In summary, the treatment of petroleum ether soaking after 18h was the best way to break the seed dormancy and improve the germination rate of S. sebiferum seeds.

Keywords: Sapium sebiferum; organic solvent; endogenous inhibitor; seed germination; seed dormancy

目 录

1 文献综述

1.1 选题依据

1.2 国内外同类研究概况

1.2.1 种子休眠的研究进展

1.2.2 有机溶剂浸种与解除休眠的研究进展

1.3 研究内容、目的及意义

2 材料与方法

2.1 试验材料

2.2 试验方法

2.2.1 有机溶剂浸种处理

2.2.2 种子生活力测定

2.2.3 低温层积处理

2.2.4 种子发芽率测定

2.3 数据分析

3 结果与分析

3.1 不同浸种处理对乌桕种子生活力的影响

3.2 有机溶剂浸种对乌桕种子发芽率的影响

4 讨论

4.1 化学药剂处理对种子活力的影响

4.2 有机溶剂浸种对种子萌发的影响

4.2.1 促进种子萌发的化学方法的研究

4.2.2 有机溶剂浸种促进种子萌发的可能原因

5 结论

致 谢


1 文献综述

1.1 选题依据

乌桕(Sapium sebiferum (Linn) Roxb.)别名蜡子树、木油树,为大戟科落叶乔木。产于我国秦岭、淮河流域以南,主要栽培区在长江流域以南浙江、湖北、四川、贵州、安徽、云南、江西、福建等省,在我国分布范围甚广。乌桕是一种色叶树种,集观形、观叶、观果于一体,具有极高的观赏价值已成为长江流域主要的秋景树种[1]。乌桕种子黑色、圆球形,含油,是重要的工业木本油料树种;同时,乌桕种皮表面白色的蜡层可以榨取固体的油脂叫桕脂或皮油;黑色种皮内的种仁,可以榨取液体油叫桕油或梓油[2];除此之外,乌桕还有广泛的药用价值,是我国特有的重要经济树种。


1.2 国内外同类研究概况

1.2.1 种子休眠的研究进展


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