
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要






Toona sinensis Cultivation in open Preliminary Study

Abstract: In this paper, Toona sinensis Town, Taixing City, Yuanzhu germplasm resources garden seed sources in Chengdu, Sichuan Toona sinensis 2 years old seedlings as experimental material to study the effects of planting density, planting pattern and cut stem height on the Toona sinensis effect food production, and Early and late April from the terminal bud and lateral parts of the quality of picking the sprouts have been studied, The results showed that:

1 Toona sinensis vegetable planting density on yield, the nutritional content of the terminal bud and lateral bud has a significant impact on content. 60cm × 30cm spacing of planting density, the highest yield of Toona sinensis buds. 60cm × 40cm spacing of planting density, Toona sinensis soluble sugar and soluble vegetable protein was the highest. 40cm × 30cm spacing of planting density, the Toona sinensis the highest lateral bud of free amino acids. 60cm × 40cm spacing of planting density, the highest content of Toona sinensis Vc dishes.

2 Different cultivation methods on the terminal bud and lateral bud Toona sinensis content of the nutrients have a significant impact. Triangular configuration cultivation mode, Toona sinensis highest soluble sugar content in the terminal bud; diamond configuration cultivation mode, Toona sinensis highest soluble sugar content of lateral buds. Square configuration cultivation mode, Toona sinensis buds of the highest content of soluble protein. Diamond-shaped configuration cultivation mode, the soluble protein content Toona sinensis bud and the highest free amino acids. Triangular configuration cultivation mode, the highest content of Toona sinensis to terminal Vc.

3 Different cut-off stem height of the terminal bud and lateral bud Toona sinensis content of the nutrients have a significant impact. 20cm cut stem height, the Toona sinensis highest soluble sugar content in the terminal bud; 80cm cut stem height, the Toona sinensis highest soluble sugar content of lateral buds. 80cm cut stem height, the Toona sinensis soluble protein was highest in the terminal bud; 40cm cut stem height, the Toona sinensis the highest lateral bud of the soluble protein content. 80cm cut stem height, the TS terminal bud and lateral bud is the highest amount of free amino acids. 20cm cut stem height, the highest Toona sinensis to terminal Vc; 20cm cut stem height, the TS was the highest lateral bud of the Vc.

Key words: Toona sinensis, open field cultivation; sprouts production; sprouts quality

目 录

1前言 1

2文献综述 2

2.1选题依据和课题来源 2

2.2 国内外研究进展 3

2.2.1香椿矮化密植栽培技术研究 3

2.2.2香椿芽品质研究 4

2.2.3香椿芽采后生理及贮藏技术研究 4

2.2.4香椿材用栽培 5

3试验材料与方法 5

3.1 试验地概况 5

3.2试验材料 6

3.3试验方法 6

3.3.1试验设计 6

3.3.2芽菜产量及苗木生长指标测定 6

3.3.3芽菜感官品质评价方法 6

3.3.4营养成分含量测定方法 7

3.4 数据处理与分析 8

4结果与分析 8

4.1 不同栽培密度对香椿芽菜产量和品质的影响 8

4.1.1 不同栽培密度对香椿芽菜产量的影响 8

4.1.2 不同栽培密度对香椿芽菜品质的影响 10

4.2 不同栽培模式对香椿芽菜产量和品质的影响 14

4.2.1 不同栽培模式对香椿芽菜产量的影响 14

4.2.2 不同栽培模式对香椿芽菜品质的影响 15

4.3 不同截干高度对香椿芽菜产量和品质的影响 19

4.3.1 不同截干高度对香椿芽菜产量的影响 19

4.3.2 不同截干高度对香椿芽菜品质的影响 19

5 结论 23

致 谢 26


香椿[Toona sinensis (A. J uss) Roem]原产于中国,分布于我国华北至华南和西南各省,东起辽宁,西至甘肃,南至广东、广西、云南,北至内蒙古南部,为楝科,落叶乔木,雌雄异株,树木可高达10m多。叶互生,为偶数羽状复叶,小叶6~10对,叶痕大,长40cm,宽24cm,小叶长椭圆形,叶端锐尖,长10~12cm,宽4cm,幼叶紫红色,成年叶绿色,叶背红棕色,轻披蜡质,略有涩味,叶柄红色。圆锥花序顶生,下垂,白色,有香味,花小,钟状,子房圆锥形,5室,每室有胚珠3枚,花柱比子房短,朔果,狭椭圆形或近卵形,长2cm左右,成熟后呈红褐色,果皮革质,开裂成钟形。6月开花,10—11月果实成熟。种子椭圆形,上有木质长翅,种粒小,发芽率低,含油量高,油可食用。树体高大,除供椿芽食用外,也是园林绿化的优选树种。椿芽营养丰富,并具有食疗作用,主治外感风寒、风湿痹痛、胃痛、痢疾等。它适应性强,在平均气温8~12℃时都能正常生长,有较强的抗寒、抗旱性,抗寒能力随苗树龄的增加而提高[1]

香椿为多用途树种,具有材用、药用、菜用和观赏价值,因此,在人工林资源培育上必须实行定向培育。作为材用资源开发,收获的主要是木材,需要系统研究立地条件、造林密度、造林模式、肥水管理等对单位面积香椿木材产量和质量的影响;如作为菜用资源培育,收获的是嫩芽 ,则需系统研究品种、立地条件、造林密度、轮伐期、更新方式、栽培方式等对单位面积嫩芽产量及芽头品质的影响,从而为不同的培育目标,筛选出适宜的品种和优化的定向培育模式。我国香椿虽然分布广 ,但是品种杂多 ,良莠不一 ,应当有选择性的进行引种和栽培,提高香椿的良种化水平,进行品种鉴定。作为我国传统的名特森林蔬菜, 香椿芽菜所含营养丰富, 在我国已有近 2000年的栽培和食用历史,国内香椿的种植面积近年来不断增加,香椿也是江苏省近年来重点发展的经济树种,所以,改造香椿低产林的任务迫在眉睫,通过良种化培育、截干整形、抗性研究等措施,将香椿的经济价值最大限度的发挥出来。

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