
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要



Effect of Fertilization to the Photosynthesis Characteristic of Camellia

Abstract:This trial took 3 ~ 4 year-old and 7 ~ 8 year-old camellia as the research materials. The influence on photosynthesis characteristic of camellia plantation was studied in the experiment. The main results are as follows: fertilizer can increase the chlorophyll content of tea leaves, tea increased the net photosynthetic rate, increased stomatal conductance, leaf intercellular CO2 concentration increased to promote transpiration. ① Young N per plant in 80g, 60g phosphorus and potassium were when the greatest impact on the chlorophyll content; forests nitrogen fertilizer per plant is 100g, P 150g, potassium and boron 10g, 50g, the greatest impact on the chlorophyll content. ② Young per plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were 80g, 60g and 60g, boron 10g, the greatest impact on net photosynthetic rate; forests per plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were 200g, 150g and 50g, fat 10g, manganese, the greatest impact on net photosynthetic rate. ③ Young N per plant in 60g, 80g phosphorus when the greatest impact on stomatal conductance; forests nitrogen per plant in 100g, P 100g, potassium 250g, Manganese 10g fat, the greatest impact on stomatal conductance. ④ Young N per plant as 60g, P 80g, potassium 80g, Zinc 10g, intercellular CO2 concentration on the most affected; tea forests of different fertilizer treatments on the role of intercellular CO2 concentration is not obvious. ⑤ Young N per plant in 80g, P 40g, potassium 80g, Zinc 10g, the greatest influence on the transpiration rate; forests nitrogen per plant in 150g, 100g P, the greatest impact on the transpiration rate.
Keywords: Camellia; fertilization; photosynthesis




1前言 1

1.1油茶概况 1

1.2研究的目的及意义 2

2文献综述 3

2.1油茶施肥研究进展 3

2.1.1平衡施肥对油茶的影响 3

2.1.2施肥种类和施肥量对植物生长的影响 3

2.1.3配方施肥对油茶的影响 4

2.2油茶光合生理的研究进展 6

2.2.1不同油茶品种的光合特性研究 6

2.2.2不同年龄油茶的光合特性研究 6

2.2.3油茶光合日变化研究 7

3材料与方法 8

3.1研究地概况 8

3.1.1 地理位置 8

3.1.2气候条件 8

3.1.3土壤条件 8

3.2 试验材料 8

3.3试验方案设计 12

3.4样品采集及指标的测定 14

3.4.1 土壤基本性质的测定 14

3.4.2叶绿素含量的测定 15

3.4.3光合作用的测定 15

4结果分析 16

4.1施肥对叶片叶绿素含量的影响 16

4.1.1施肥对幼林叶片叶绿素含量的影响 16

4.1.2 施肥对老林也叶片叶绿素含量的影响 17

4.2施肥对油茶净光合速率的影响 18

4.2.1施肥对油茶幼林净光合速率的影响 18

4.2.2施肥对油茶老林净光合速率的影响 20

4.3施肥对油茶气孔导度的影响 21

4.3.1施肥对油茶幼林气孔导度的影响 21

4.3.2施肥对油茶老林叶片气孔导度的影响 23

4.4施肥对油茶胞间CO2的影响 24

4.4.1施肥对油茶幼林胞间CO2的影响 24

4.4.2施肥对油茶老林胞间CO2的影响 26

4.5施肥对油茶蒸腾速率的影响 27

4.5.1施肥对幼林油茶蒸腾速率的影响 27

4.5.2施肥对老林油茶蒸腾速率的影响 29

5结论与讨论 30

5.1结论 30

5.2讨论 31

致 谢 33

参考文献 34



油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel.)属山茶科(Theacease)山茶属(Camellia),是多年生常绿乔木、虫媒异花授粉树种,双子叶植物。山茶科内有30多个物种的油脂可供食用,如普通油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel.)、小果油茶(C. Meiocarpa Hu.)广泛分布于湖南、江西、广西等17个省(市、自治区),1100多个县(市)。油茶分布区的北界在淮河秦岭一线;南界大致在北回归线附近;东界为东南海岸和台湾;东南的怒江流域和青藏高原的东缘。垂直分布在东部地区一般在海拔800m下,西部地区可达海拔2000m[1~3]

油茶是常绿小乔木,高达3-6m,矮的2-3m,胸径24-30cm,树皮灰褐色光滑。单叶互生、革质、光滑、柄短,卵状椭圆形。花两性白色,无柄。果实为茹果,椭圆形、圆形或心脏形。果皮有细毛。种子黄褐色或乌褐色,具有光泽,三角状卵形[1]。油茶喜温暖湿润的气候[4],要求年平均温度14-21ºC,最低月平均温度最好不低于0ºC,最高月平均温度为31ºC,相对湿度在74-85%之间,年平均降雨量在1000mm以上,且四季分配均匀,日照 1800-2200h。油茶是喜光性树种,油茶好温暖不喜严寒霜冻,一般要求平均温度14.21℃,最低平均温度不得低于0ºC,短时间的绝对最低-10ºC尚能过冬,最热月平均温度为31ºC。油茶对土壤要求不高不严,pH4.5-pH6.5为适宜,pH5-6的酸性黄壤或红壤为最适宜[1,5]

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