
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要





关键词:宝华山自然保护区 木本植物 植物区系

Studies on the Woody Plants Flora of BaoHua Mountain

Provincial Nature Reserve of Jiangsu Province

Abstract:BaoHua Mountain Nature Reserve located in the south of the Yantze river and it’s in the Jurong county.It’s in the middle part of Ningzhen Mountains which is in the south of shanghai-nanjing railway and LongTanZhen.The area is evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest zone.This paper discusses and analyzes the floristic composition of seed plants in Mt.Baohua,floristic characteristics.The detailed results are as follows:

(1)BaoHua Mountain Nature Reserve has 259 species of woody plants belonging to 151 genera in 69 families,among which there are 21 species of gymnospermae plants belonging to 17 genera in 8 families and 226 species of angiospermae plants belonging to 127 genera in 58 families.Dicotyledoneae plants have 226 species in 127 genera of 58 families and monocotyledoneae plants cover 12 species in 8 genera of 3 families. Angiosperm dicotyledonous class is dominated by its family, genus, species accounted for 84.1% of the entire flora, 83.6% and 87.3% respectively.

(2)The families of the woody plants flora of BaoHua Mountain Nature Reserve is pantropic.There are 28 families, accounting for 40.58% of the total families of the land.There are 13 families of the N.Temp amp; S.Temp, accounting for18.84% of the total families.It shows the tropical affinity of this area and that The land has significant nature of the transition from subtropical to warm temperate. The widespread is accounting for 17.39% of the total families.which reflects the secondary vegetation

(3)The genera of the woody plants flora of BaoHua Mountain Nature Reserve is temperate, especially north temperate as the main ingredient.There are 21 generas of East Asian distribution o, accounting for 14.09% of the total genera of the land. East Asia and North America disjunct distribution of 20 genera and the total is 13.42%, which is a large proportion. The flora is not only an integral part of the East Asian flora, and has a close relationship with the North American flora.

Key words: BaoHua Mountain Nature Reserve Woody Plants Plant Flora


前言 1

1文献综述 2

1.1自然地理概况 2

1.1.1宝华山地理位置 2

1.1.2宝华山自然条件 2

1.1.3植被概况 2

1.1.4名胜古迹 3

1.2植物区系综述 3

1.2.1植物区系学概念与意义 3

1.2.2植物区系的内容 3

1.2.3植物区系研究进展 4国外植物区系研究进展 4国内植物区系研究进展 5江苏省植物区系研究概况 7

2 宝华山木本植物区系分析 9

2.1宝华山木本植物区系组成 9

2.1.1宝华山木本植物区系的数量组成 9

2.1.2宝华山木本植物区系的科、属的数量组成分析 9宝华山木本植物区系的科的数量组成分析 9宝华山木本植物区系的属的数量组成分析 12

2.2宝华山木本植物区系地理成分分析 14

2.2.2宝华山木本植物科的分布类型 14

2.2.2宝华山木本植物属的分布类型 15

2.3特有现象分析 19

2.3.1特有现象及研究意义 19

2.3.2特有成分 19

2.3.3名木古树 20

3 宝华山木本植物区系特点 20

3.1温带特征明显,同时具有热带亲缘性 20

3.2地理成分较为复杂 21

3.3过渡性特征明显 21

3.4古老植物丰富 21

3.5特有成分较为丰富 22

4 总结与讨论 22

5.致谢 23

参考文献 24

附件:江苏宝华山省级自然保护区木本植物名录 26

裸子植物 Gymnospermae 26

被子植物 Angiospermae 26

双子叶植物Dicotyledoneac 26

单子叶植物Monocotyledoneae 32

附件2:部分植物图片采集 33




常绿树种有青冈栎、紫楠、冬青等;落叶树种有南京椴、糯米椴、三叶槭、野核桃、麻栎、栓皮栎、五角枫等。该自然保护区内古树名木资源丰富,特有种有宝华玉兰、毛竹、油茶栽培历史较久。根据原有调查显示,宝华山目前已知的植物有124科、352属、525 种。这些自然植被资源是自然历史的最好的反映和历史的记载。因此在此建立自然保护区有着非常重要的意义。

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